Introductory Mycology

Beginner-friendly articles and resources to help those new to the field of mycology understand the basics of fungi.

Chicken Of The Woods (Laetiporus Sulphureus)

SCIENTIFIC NAME: (Laetiporus Sulphureus) COMMON NAME(S): Chicken Of The Woods | COMMON_NAME I-NAME: COW SPORE COLOR: WHITE to PALE YELLOW Discover the Chicken of the Woods, nature’s delightful doppelganger to poultry. This vibrant, flavorful fungi offers a culinary adventure, beckoning both chefs and mycologists alike. Meet the “Chicken of the Woods,” a spectacular, brightly colored […]

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Nameko (Pholiota Nameko)

SCIENTIFIC NAME: (Pholiota Nameko) COMMON NAME(S): Nameko | Forest Nameko | Slimy Mushroom I-NAME: NAME SPORE COLOR: BROWN Dive into the world of Nameko, Japan’s glistening mushroom treasure. With its signature slimy coat and rich flavor, Nameko is a culinary delight and a testament to nature’s marvels. The Nameko mushroom, scientifically known as Pholiota Nameko,

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False Parasol (Chlorophyllum Molybdites)

SCIENTIFIC NAME: (Chlorophyllum Molybdites) COMMON NAME(S): False Parasol | Green Vomiter | Green-Spored-Parasol | Green Gill | Fairy Ring Mushroom | Yard Mushroom | Green Spotted Lepiota I-NAME: FVOM SPORE COLOR: GREEN Traversing the landscape of fungi, one encounters the deceptive beauty of Chlorophyllum Molybdites, commonly known as the Green-Spored Lepiota, the Green Vomiter, or the

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Cultivating Cordyceps: A Guide for Beginners

Delving into the realm of fungi, Cordyceps stand out with their unique growth and medicinal significance. Although once rare and expensive due to their wild habitat, advances in mycology have made home cultivation feasible. This guide embarks on simplifying the cultivation of Cordyceps for beginners.

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Cultivating Your Kingdom: A Guide to Growing King Oyster Mushrooms

The King Oyster Mushroom, also known as Pleurotus Eryngii, is the regal counterpart to the more common oyster varieties. Its meaty texture, subtle woodsy flavor, and impressive size make it a coveted choice for both the kitchen and home cultivation.

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Cauliflower Mushroom (Sparassis Crispa)

SCIENTIFIC NAME: (Sparassis Crispa) COMMON NAME(S): Cauliflower Mushroom | Hanabiratake | Western Cauliflower Fungus | Wood Cauliflower I-NAME: ???? SPORE COLOR: PALE-YELLOW A fusion of art and biology, the Cauliflower Mushroom, with its labyrinthine fronds, beckons from the forest floor. Beyond its beauty lies a history of culinary and medicinal use, waiting to be unveiled.

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The Alluring World of Agar: A Deep Dive

Deep beneath the forest canopy, in the shadows of decay, lies a realm that many overlook. The fungi’s universe, vast and intricate, spreads its tendrils into our world in ways we can only begin to fathom. At the heart of this dance between the known and the unknown lies agar, a silent yet vital player.

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Substrate for Mycology: A Comprehensive Guide on Using Cardboard

An often-overlooked resource, cardboard not only encases our goods but also serves as a treasure trove for mushroom cultivation. As sustainable and readily available as it is effective, delve into this guide to harness the potential of cardboard substrates.

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Substrate for Mycology: A Comprehensive Guide on Using Manure

From the ancient pastures to the modern mycologist’s toolkit, manure has long been a foundation for fungal growth. Dive into this guide and unearth the intricate art of using manure as a substrate to cultivate mycelial wonders.

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Substrate for Mycology: A Comprehensive Guide on Using Coffee Grounds

Ever thought your morning coffee could fuel more than just your day? Brew a fresh perspective as we unravel the potential of coffee grounds – an efficient and sustainable substrate choice in the fascinating world of mycology.

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