Psychoactive Fungi

Investigating the properties, uses, and cultural history of psychoactive mushrooms.

The Psychedelic Potential of Psilocybe Cubensis B+: A Closer Look at the Research

Aiding mental health with mushrooms might seem like a thing of fantasy, but with B+ (Positive), science fiction becomes reality. As one of the most extensively researched psychedelic mushrooms, it holds immense potential to revolutionize mental health treatments.

The Psychedelic Potential of Psilocybe Cubensis B+: A Closer Look at the Research Read More Β»

Unveiling the Veil: A Patron’s Transcendental Journey through P. Tampanensis

Have you ever experienced a moment, a sliver of time, when the world around you didn’t seem quite as you knew it? Scientific endeavors like the Large Hadron Collider have uncovered startling evidence of alternate dimensions, reinforcing various groundbreaking theories. Some suggest psychedelic mushrooms, like the P. Tampanensis, act as a key, unlocking pathways and

Unveiling the Veil: A Patron’s Transcendental Journey through P. Tampanensis Read More Β»

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